“Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun,” -Psalm 19:4
The word translated “voice” in the ESV is the Hebrew word, kav, also translated “line” in Isaiah 28:10 and here in the KJV. The word kav literally means “a line of written words.”
The word “word” in the second clause comes from the Hebrew, mille, and means “utterance or speech.”
The heavens are an open book for every man in any corner of the earth to read. The glory of God is literally “written and imprinted in the heavens” for all to behold no matter when and where one lives. Further, God’s glory is not only visible to all, it is apprehensible to all who are willing to read it. That is, though we Christians confess God, being a spirit, is not fully comprehensible, especially without the book of salvation (i.e. Scriptures), we simultaneously confess in His self-revelation via the framing of the world, God is fully apprehensible.
Thus, we are all taught; we are all instructed; and, we are all without excuse.