According to, when I wrote this blog post, there had already been 3.9 million posts published that same day. Wouldn’t it seem superfluous to add another post to the already congested blogosphere?
It’s a valid question, I suppose.
So here is where I offer five valid reasons for writing (specifically starting a blog)—or why you shouldn’t give it up if you already have one.
Nothing profound here. Just a little kick in the pants to keep you at your craft.
Writing Gets It Out of Your Head
Writing is the best medium for fleshing out ideas, because writing and thinking are integrally connected. Flannery O’Conner said she didn’t know what she wanted to say until she started writing.
If you have an idea swimming around in your braincase, writing will help you give birth to it. Who knows what it will be when it grows up, or if it will even grow up at all, until you give it life and structure via ink and paper (or keypad and screen).
Writing Has Been Known to Start Revolutions
Like it or not, in many ways the blogosphere is, along with social media, the new public square; and since writing is a powerful way to spread ideas and engage the culture, a blog is a great place to publish those ideas.
The Apostles recorded their experience with the risen Christ, and turned the ancient world upside down in a matter of three centuries. Hitler said next to the spoken word, writing was the most powerful weapon he had; and he used it to convert most of Germany to his ideology.
Regardless of whether an idea is good or bad, writing is the perfect medium to get the message out there. Furthermore, the only one way to know if your idea is worth pursuing is to get it out there where people can engage with it. Just be careful. Ideas have consequences.
Writing Touches People in a Personal Way
Whether it’s poetry, literary fiction, or your personal story, writing can make a big difference in someone’s day. I’m one of those nerds who likes to read dense academic blogs that make my brain do jumping jacks. It’s like P90X for the mind.
But sometimes it’s just a simple quip, an inspirational thought, or a profound maxim that changes my outlook. Writing is a great way to touch someone’s life in a positive way. It’s also a good way to take someone to task on an idea and challenge them to think better. As the Proverb says, iron sharpens iron.
Writing is an Outlet for Teaching
If you’re a teacher or a preacher, you know what I’m talking about. Sometimes you have an itch that needs to be scratched. You need an outlet to share some helpful knowledge. Writing is a perfect medium for teaching. If you have knowledge or skills to share, a blog is a great way to publish it. If knowledge is power, then writing is a great way to release yours.
Hint: Find a niche you know something about, then research it and write about it until you have become the expert. Who knows what doors that might open for you.
Writing Often Makes Better Writers
As with any skill, the more you practice the better you become. This is definitely the case with writing. The more you write the better your writing becomes, and the better writer you become.
Not only does blogging provide a great way to practice your craft, putting your writing out for the world to read, allows you to get valuable feedback too.
There are a few quick thoughts for you. What do you say? Do you have any valid reasons to add to the list?